Check out our Adoption Basics page to learn more about The Rescue Crew adoption process.
Click on the pet's picture to view complete information and additional pictures and videos. Be sure to continuing scrolling to the bottom using the scroll bar to the right of the grid to view all adoptable pets.
Adoption Request Forms
Thank you for your interest in adopting a a pet through The Rescue Crew. Please complete an Adoption Request for the type of pet you're interested in. Once submitted, your request will remain active in our system for 12-months. Should the animal you are interested in turn out to not be a good fit, or perhaps you miss out on a particular animal, there is no need to complete a new Request Form during the next year, provided your information has remained the same. Simply contact us at [email protected] to let us know you've found another pet you're interested in providing a home to.
One of our volunteers will begin processing your request as soon as possible. We make every effort to expedite this process as we know how excited you may be about the possibility of a new furry family member.
Given The Rescue Crew is 100% volunteer-operated, our processing time could take up to one week or more. Please be patient with us. Also, if we need to verify any information, if there is any missing information on your request, or if your form has been submitted over a weekend or holiday, this could add additional time on our end to fully process. Once processed, your information will be forwarded to the pets foster caregiver and The Rescue Crew coordinator working with that foster home, so that they may contact you to answer any questions you may have and schedule a mutually convenient time for you to meet and interact with the pet to help determine whether they will be a good fit for your householde.
Thank you again for your patience and understanding and your interest in giving a companion animal in need a home.